Monday, October 29, 2007

Final thoughts on Dogs- Hawks Game

There is a lot of buzz around the league and message boards about incidents that occurred before, during, and after the South Division Championship game. I am not going to rehash the entire evening, but I do have some final thoughts.

1) I appreciate the substitute refs stepping up to call this game. Not many people would step up for that duty. Certainly that is even more true now.

2) No matter what the outcome of this game, there was going to be controversy. A playoff game with what I will call “unofficial officials”. It seems only human nature that the team losing this game would have to say “what if”. I have been to many games this season and there are missed calls, invisible calls, clock malfunctions at every one. The stakes were just higher here. This was the end of the season for one of the teams.

3) Realizing this will be viewed as a biased opinion, I am going to say it anyway. The Junkyard Dogs won this game. They outplayed the Hawks. They beat them on their home turf. This game was not as close as the score indicates. They overcame the obstacles in front of them, kept cool heads, and showed the class of the organization.

4) I can’t wait for the championship game.

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